Solving a problem

I lived in a warmer climate for many years but moved to Utah. In warmer climates Snow and Ice were things that some people seek out, but in cold climates those things found me. I love to grow plants and I love to garden. For years I have started my garden from seed indoors, with heating pads and grow lights. Protecting the palnts unitl I can get them moved and established outside. In the Rocky Mountains sometimes the growing season doesn’t start until Memorial Day and a frost can come in early September. As gardeners know USDA Zones are determined by the average first frost in a given geography and gardeners strive increase their growing season to increase their yeilds and enjoyment.

For years I considered getting a greenhouse but struggled with the fact that quality greenhouses require site prep and in some cases, literally days to construct. Once they are constructed a windstorm or worse can destroy them in an hour. I thought about this problem and many others and devloped a solution for each of them….


UpZone's Garden Plot